Articles on: Digital Delivery

Display downloads in Customer Accounts (New Accounts)

What plan do I need?

You will need the Premium plan to unlock the customer account download feature.

Display downloads in the New Customer Accounts

Easily add the download delivery to the main account page which shows all orders, and also on the individual order page.

All you need to do is to add the App Blocks within Shopify's theme customizer.

Go to your Shopify admin
Go to Settings
Click Customer accounts
Ensure that you are using the new Customer accounts option for this guide. If you are using Legacy, follow this guide
Next to Configurations, click the Customize button

Here, you will add the Fileflare App Blocks to your store
On your live template, click the Customize button to open up the editor

Two options for customer accounts downloads:
Main account page - add a "View all downloads" button that links to the download page showing a list of all orders and their downloads
Individual order account page - this is the Order Status page in the customer accounts. You can easily add the App Block to the Order Status page.


The downloads are still not showing, what do I do?

You will need to double-check that you have a few things in place to ensure the downloads show:

Make sure there are files attached to the Shopify products in the order. If there are no files attached to the products or order, then no download links will show on the order page.

Make sure you are looking at the Order page in the accounts. The downloads are specific to an order, so they show on the order page, not the main customer account page.

Go to the Order page and check to see if the payment status is "Paid". If it is not, then the downloads will not show because the order has not yet been paid.

Are you on the right plan? The customer account downloads are on the Premium plan.

You could be looking for an order that was placed before installing Fileflare. You may need to click the “Import previous orders” button on the Orders page to import older orders if you haven’t already. Contact us if you need us to sync orders.

Make sure you have enabled the customer account feature in Settings > Checkout settings.

Make sure you have placed the snippet code correctly in the right theme file. Contact us if you need guidance.

If you are using an app like CustomerHub or Froonze, ensure you have enabled the integration in their app.

Updated on: 28/03/2025

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