Articles on: Orders

Unblock the downloads for fraudulent detected orders

Changes to how fraudulent orders are blocked

Instead of the old way of not showing the downloads to the customer with no explanation, we decided to improve it so that it's more controllable by merchants, it's more cohesive with the other limitation settings, and you can add a custom message explaining why they are restricted. This works by adding the restriction on the download links instead.

Reasons why this is better:
Cohesive with other Global limitations making it easier to understand
Allowing merchants to easily unblock the links by flipping a switch on the Order page if order is genuine
Giving the merchant ability to inform customers with a custom message as to why their downloads are blocked
Improves restrictions for customer accounts and checkout delivery compared to the old method

What happens with flagged fraud orders?

When you have the fraud feature enabled in Fileflare and when an order is flagged as fraudulent, these things will happen:
The download email will not be sent by Fileflare
The digital products in the order will not be fulfilled in Shopify admin
The download links will be restricted from being accessed until you switch their restriction. You can unblock the download links by following reading the next section below.

How do I unblock the customer's downloads?

It's really easy!

Once you have checked to see if the order is fraudulent and confirmed that it's genuine, you can easily give access to the downloads.

Go to Filefare.
Go to the Orders page and open up the individual Order page.
You will see a Restrict access button. Just switch this off, and click the Update button.
Inform your customer that the links will now be accessible.

How do I add a custom message to inform customers?

Go to the Fileflare
Go to the Settings page. This will open the Global limitations page first.
Scroll down to the "Access restricted" section and adjust the message.

Updated on: 28/03/2025

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