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How to properly uninstall Fileflare

Uninstalling the app

Shopify’s rules state that apps need to delete all the store’s data and will delete your personal data once the app receives the webhook from Shopify. This happens within 48 hours after uninstalling.

All of your Shopify data and uploaded assets will be permanently deleted as soon as Shopify send the request. This can take place anytime within those 48 hours. This is an automated system.

No code is automatically added to your theme

Filelflare does not automatically add any code to your Shopify theme, so if you haven’t added any code yourself, then you don’t need to do anything. If you did add code manually yourself, then you can see our guide below.

The only code snippets that you are able to manually add to your store are:

Customer account download links – order page links snippet
Customer account download links – “View all downloads” link
Custom CSS for the download button
Custom CSS for the download page

To remove them, simply:
Go to your Shopify dashboard
Go to “Online store” > “Themes”
Click “Actions” > “Edit code”

Remove the customer account download links – order page links snippet

Go to the “Customers/order.liquid” or the “main-order.liquid” file
- Many new Shopify themes use main-order.liquid
- Some third-party and older themes use customers/order.liquid

Find the code snippet:
<div id='digitalAssets'></div>

Delete this code and click “Save”

Remove the customer account download links – “View all downloads” link

Search for the “main-account.liquid” file.
Search the text:

This is the link that will need to be removed. It may be inside a button code snippet, an example below:
<a href="" >
<button>View all downloads</button>

Remove the custom CSS for the download button

Go to your root CSS file. It is sometimes called “base.css”.
Remove the code marked with #digitalAssets:
#digitalAssets {
    --dda-color-100: #F7F9FC; /* Button background color */
    --dda-color-200: #E2E7F0; /* Button border color */
    --dda-color-400: #CBD2E0; /* Button hover color */
    --dda-color-600: #2D3648; /* Button text color */

Remove the custom CSS for the download page

Find your root CSS file. It’s sometimes called “base.css”
Now remove the code that is marked with .dda-orders:

.dda-orders {
    --dda-orders-width: 53.75em;
    --dda-order-radius-lg: 16px;
    --dda-order-radius-md: 12px;
    --dda-order-radius-sm: 8px;
    --dda-order-radius-xs: 4px;
    --dda-order-radius-full: 50pc;
    --dda-order-spacing: 2em;
    --dda-color-000: #FFF; /* Background of the middle box */
    --dda-color-100: #F7F9FC; /* Background main box */
    --dda-color-200: #E2E7F0; /* Order number bubble background */
    --dda-color-300: #EDF0F7; /* Horizontal border line below title */
    --dda-color-400: #CBD2E0; /* The main border line */
    --dda-color-500: #717D96; /* File type/size text */
    --dda-color-600: #2D3648; /* Main text colour */

Updated on: 16/08/2024

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