Connect your email using SMTP with Mailtrap
About Mailtrap SMTP
Mailtrap have a domain verification process which is pretty fast. But sometimes requires you to do a business verification to understand how your business sends emails. This is to keep the Mailtrap deliverability good.
Speed of setup: 3/5 Slow because of the domain review process. They must review your domain after adding and can take up to one business day.
Ease of setup: 4/5 Decent
Mailtrap does not have a maximum usage limit on how many emails are sent via SMTP. You can send as much as your plan allows.
Mailtrap's free plan allows up to 200 free emails per day. Maximum of 1000 per month for free. Mailtrap pricing.
Mailtrap's first pricing plan starts with sending up to 10,000 emails per month for $15/m.
How to get set up Mailtrap SMTP
In short terms, all you need to do is ensure you have your domain connected to Postmark, and then create an API key. Then we enter those details into Fileflare, and that's all.
1. Sign up to Mailtrap if you haven't yet
2. Ensure that you have connected your domain name
Go to "Sending Domains"
Click the "Add domain" button
When adding and verifying a whole domain, this means you can use any email address on the domain. For example -
Continue with setting up your email sender or domain until verified
3. Get the SMTP details
Go to "Sending Domains"
Click on your domain name
Go to "Integrations"
Click on "Transactional Stream" Integrate button

Add SMTP details to Fileflare
You should be on the page on Mailtrap where you have access to the SMTP details.
Go to Fileflare
Go to "Settings"
Go to "Email settings"
Open up the SMTP option
Enter the Mailtrap SMTP details into the boxes in Fileflare
Enter the details from Mailtrap to the Fileflare boxes (the details could vary, copy direct from your Mailtrap):
Sender: Add your email address
Username: api
Password: Use your password that Mailtrap provides you
Host server:
Port: 587
Encryption: TLS

Now, you will receive an email at your store's email address. If you received the email, then it worked. If you didn't, then it didn't work. Please click the verify button in the email to confirm.
Updated on: 20/01/2025
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